WeatherLink Tag Variable Inside Temperature High Inside Temperature Low Inside Temperature Time of High Inside Temperature Time of Low Inside Temperature High Monthly Inside Temperature Low Monthly Inside Temperature High Yearly Inside Temperature Low Yearly Inside Temperature Outside Temperature High Outside Temperature Low Outside Temperature Time of High Outside Temperature Time of Low Outside Temperature High monthly Outside Temperature Low monthly Outside Temperature High yearly Outside Temperature Low yearly Outside Temperature Temperature 2 High Temperature 2 Low Temperature 2 Time of High Temperature 2 Time of Low Temperature 2 Temperature 3 High Temperature 3 Time Low Temperature 3 Time High Temperature 4 Low Temperature 4 Temperature 5 High Temperature 5 Time Low Temperature 5 Time High Temperature 6 Low Temperature 6 Temperature 7 High Temperature 7 Time Low Temperature 7 Time High Temperature 8 Low Temperature 8 Inside Humidity High Inside Humidity Low Inside Humidity High Inside Humidity Time Low Inside Humidity Time High Monthly Inside Humidity Low Monthly Inside Humidity High Yearly Inside Humidity Low Yearly Inside Humidity Outside Humidity Low Humidity High Humidity Time of Low Humidity Time of High Humidity High Monthly Humidity Low Monthly Humidity High Yearly Humidity Low Yearly Humidity Humidity 2 High Humidity 2 Low Humidity 2 High Humidity Time 2 Low Humidity Time 2 Humidity 3 High Humidity 3 Time Low Humidity 3 Time High Humidity 4 Low Humidity 4 Humidity 5 High Humidity 5 Time Low Humidity 5 Time High Humidity 6 Low Humidity 6 Humidity 7 High Humidity 7 Time Low Humidity 7 Time High Humidity 8 Low Humidity 8 Barometer 3-Hour Barometer Trend* Low Barometer High Barometer Low Monthly Barometer High Monthly Barometer Low Yearly Barometer High Yearly Barometer Time of Low Barometer Time of High Barometer Wind Speed 10 Minute Average Wind Speed* High Wind Speed Time of High Wind Speed High Monthly Wind Speed High Yearly Wind Speed Wind Direction In Degrees Wind Direction Sector (16-point compass) Wind Chill Low Wind Chill Time of Low Wind Chill Low Monthly Wind Chill Low Yearly Wind Chill One-minute Wind Speed Average* Two-minute Wind Speed Average Five-minute Wind Speed Average 10-minute Wind Speed Average One-minute Wind High Speed* Two-minute Wind High Speed Five-minute Wind High Speed 10-minute Wind High Speed Yearly Rain Daily Rain Monthly Rain Storm Rain Rain Rate High Rain Rate Time of High Rain Rate High Rain Rate Hour High Monthly Rain Rate High Yearly Rain Rate Daily ET Monthly ET Yearly ET Solar Radiation High Solar Radiation Time of High Solar Radiation High Monthly Solar Radiation High Yearly Solar Radiation UV High UV Time of High UV High monthly UV High yearly UV Outside Dew Point High Dew Point Low Dew Point Time of High Dew Point Time of Low Dew Point High Monthly Dew Point Low Monthly Dew Point High Yearly Dew Point Low Yearly Dew Point Inside Dew Point Outside Heat Index High Heat Index Time of High Heat Index High Monthly Heat Index High Yearly Heat Index Inside Heat Index THW Index Soil Moisture 1 High Soil Moisture 1 Low Soil Moisture 1 High Soil Moisture 1 Time Low Soil Moisture 1 Time Soil Moisture 2 High Soil Moist 2 Time Low Soil Moist 2 Time High Soil Moisture 3 Low Soil Moisture 3 Soil Moisture 4 High Soil Moisture 4 Time Low Soil Moisture 4 Time High Soil Temp 1 High Soil Temp 1 Time Soil Temperature 2 High Soil Temp 2 Time Low Soil Temp 2 Time High Soil Temp 3 Low Soil Temp 3 Soil Temperature 4 High Soil Temp 4 Time Low Soil Temp 4 Time High Leaf Wetness 1 Low Leaf Wetness 1 High Leaf Wetness 1 Time Low Leaf Wetness 1 Time Leaf Wetness 2 High Leaf Time Low Leaf Time 2 High Leaf Temp 1 High Leaf Temp 1 Time EMC Air Density Date on the PC Time on the PC UTC Time Date on the Station Time on the Station Name of Station City (from NOAA Setup) State (from NOAA Setup) Elevation (from NOAA Setup) Latitude (from NOAA Setup) Longitude (from NOAA Setup) Sunrise Time Sunset Time Current Weather Forecast * Current Moon Phase Temperature Units Hum Units Wind Units Bar Units Rain Units Solar Units Rain Rate Units UV Units Soil Moisture Units